20 luglio 1881: Bisonte Seduto si arrende agli americani

Bisonte Seduto (Sitting Bull in inglese – in lingua originale Sioux Tȟatȟaŋka Iyotȟaŋka, nome spesso impropriamente tradotto con Toro Seduto) (Grand River, 1831 – Fort Yates, 15 dicembre 1890) è stato un condottiero nativo americano dei Sioux Hunkpapa.
Famoso capo indiano americano, Bisonte Seduto è ricordato nella storia americana e dei nativi per aver mobilitato più di 3.500 guerrieri Sioux e Cheyenne nella famosa Battaglia di Little Bighorn, dove ottenne una schiacciante vittoria sul Colonnello George Armstrong Custer del Settimo cavalleggeri, il 25 giugno 1876.
Fu ucciso da un poliziotto pellerossa durante il tentativo di arrestarlo per prevenire la sua adesione alla Ghost Dance, il movimento millenaristico che alla fine dell’800, quando i nativi erano ormai stati sconfitti, profetizzava – disperatamente – la fine naturale del dominio dell’uomo bianco e la resurrezione della nazione indiana.

Al centro della foto, uno dei più celebri capi indiani, Toro Seduto (1831-1890). Alle sue spalle Julius Meyer, interprete e Nuvola Rossa.
Tatanka Yotanka was a brave chief.

Tatanka Yotanka was a brave chief.
But because he was an indian he had much to grieve.
White folks called him simply Sitting Bull.
White folks called him simply Sitting Bull.
But although he was an indian he was very powerful.

He was the big chief of the Hunkpapa Sioux.
He was the big chief of the Hunkpapa Sioux.
And keeping his people free is what he wanted to do.

Around the Bighorn Mountains and the Black Hills he used to roam.
Around the Bighorn Mountains and the Black Hills he used to roam.
Even after lots of other Sioux had to call a reservation their home.

When the white man wanted to buy the land that was his.
When the white man wanted to buy the land that was his.
He picked up a pinch of dust and said “not even as much as this!”

His friends Crazy Horse, Two Moon, Big Foot and more,
His friends Crazy Horse, Two Moon, Big Foot and more,
Joined him in the summer of 1876 at the banks of the Little Bighorn.

‘Long Hair’ Custer’s bluecoats came in search for red indian blood
‘Long Hair’ Custer’s bluecoats came in search for red indian blood
But the indians left nothin’ of them than their white bones in the mud.

Sitting Bull only defended his homeland
Sitting Bull only defended his homeland
And it was the only real indian victory over the white man.

But that battle turned the white man into a very angry mood
But that battle turned the white man into a very angry mood
So Sitting Bull left his homeland and went up to the Canadian woods.

He could find no peace there, so he left again.
He could find no peace there, so he left again.
But back with the other Sioux he was sourrounded by landhungry white men.

He didn’t gave them a single acre though.
He didn’t gave them a single acre though.
And his people idolized him as a great hero.

“He’s the one that causes all the trouble”, the white man did say.
“He’s the one that causes all the trouble”, the white man did say.
And so they sent some indians to take him away.

Sitting Bull’s people came to help him and a wild shooting began
Sitting Bull’s people came to help him and a wild shooting began
And in this shooting he was killed by a red man.

Pubblicato da arzyncampo

14 febbraio 1954, bassa pianura emiliana, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, quell'era le debut. Oggi vivo e lavoro a Piacenza. Giornalista pubblicista, il destino ha voluto mi impegnassi in tuttaltro campo, al servizio dei cittadini nella sanità pubblica. Tuttavia scrivere, per me, é vitale, divertente, essenziale, un mezzo per esprimere la mia presenza nel mondo e dir la mia. Così dal giornalismo sono passato, per passione e non per lavoro, alla poesia, alla narrativa, ai resoconti, agli appunti ovunque e su tutto, fino alla scoperta del blog. Basta scrivere, appunto, per dire di aver qualcosa da dire alla gente di questo nostro mondo. Fin quando avrò una penna, ci sarò.

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